为什么要学习 Rust 呢?因为 Go 自带的 GC 还不够强,同时 goroutine 的调度机制又导致 go 对 CPU 也没办法用的很充分。当需要写对 CPU 性能要求比较高的系统,就需要换一门新语言。同时因为不想写 Cpp,Rust 有媲美 Cpp 的性能,相对 Cpp 来讲更好维护的代码。学习一下没有毛病。
Hello Hex
通常学习一门新语言都是用 Hello World 来开始,但是因为字符串类型相比与int或者是 hex 要复杂的多,我们这里用 Hex 来替代 Hello world 。在之前我已经装好了 rust 的各种环境,包含 cargo 之类的包管理,在这里我用 cargo 创建一个新的项目。
cargo new helloHex
cd helloHex
然后将如下内容编辑到 src/main.rs 里面,
fn main() {
let x = 0x100;
println!("{}", x);
编辑完这个文件之后,我们再编译他,通常情况下为了方便调试,我们都会在编译的时候禁止编译器对程序进行优化,在 C/Go 中需要加一些参数来完成这项工作, cargo 这个工具省略了这个步骤,直接会生成一个 debug 版本,我们可以直接拿来调试。编译命令如下:
cargo build
lldb target/debug/helloHex
现在我们已经进入到了 lldb 的调试界面中,然后我们可以设置断点,查看堆栈信息等。我们先做一些简单的操作来熟悉一下 lldb。 在指令后面我加上了注释,说明了每一条命令的作用。
$ lldb target/debug/helloHex
(lldb) target create "target/debug/helloHex"
Current executable set to 'target/debug/helloHex' (x86_64).
(lldb) b helloHex::main // 这条指令是对 helloHex 好个程序的 main 函数打一个断点
Breakpoint 1: where = helloHex`helloHex::main::hc8d39b80069dcddb + 18 at main.rs:2, address = 0x00000001000011d2
(lldb) r // run 开始执行 helloHex 程序
Process 84414 launched: '/Users/chaotang.sun/rust_project/rustlearing/lldb/helloHex/target/debug/helloHex' (x86_64)
Process 84414 stopped
* thread #1, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
frame #0: 0x00000001000011d2 helloHex`helloHex::main::hc8d39b80069dcddb at main.rs:2
1 fn main() {
-> 2 let x = 0x100;
3 println!("{}", x);
4 }
Target 0: (helloHex) stopped.
(lldb) s // step 执行下一步机器指令
Process 84414 stopped
* thread #1, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = step in
frame #0: 0x00000001000011d9 helloHex`helloHex::main::hc8d39b80069dcddb at main.rs:3
1 fn main() {
2 let x = 0x100;
-> 3 println!("{}", x);
4 }
Target 0: (helloHex) stopped.
(lldb) frame v // 查看当前栈的变量
(int) x = 256
(lldb) p x // 打印变量 x 的值
(int) $0 = 256
(int) $1 = 256
Variables & Const
Rust 的变量相对 C 来说有一些特殊,有可变的变量跟不可变的变量。(这有点绕,不可变的变量还可以称之为变量嘛? 他们有什么区别,除了在语法上的之外,我也很好奇对于CPU来说,处理这两种不同的变量有什么区别。 在这里我创建两段不同的程序,一段是用 mutable 的变量,一段是用 immutable 的变量,然后反编译看一下这俩到底有什么区别。
$ cargo new var_immut
fn main() {
let x = 0x100;
println!("The value of x is: {}", x);
let x = x + 0x100;
println!("The value of x is: {}", x);
$ cargo new var_mut
fn main() {
let mut x = 0x100;
println!("The value of x is: {}", x);
x = x + 0x100;
println!("The value of x is: {}", x);
然后我们进入到 lldb 之中反编译这两段程序。
lldb target/debug/var_mut
lldb target/debug/var_immut
(lldb) b var_mut::main
Breakpoint 1: where = var_mut`var_mut::main::hbe57c58c6c7f6d8b + 18 at main.rs:2, address = 0x00000001000012a2
(lldb) r
Process 88038 launched: '/Users/chaotang.sun/rust_project/rustlearing/lldb/var_mut/target/debug/var_mut' (x86_64)
Process 88038 stopped
* thread #1, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
frame #0: 0x00000001000012a2 var_mut`var_mut::main::hbe57c58c6c7f6d8b at main.rs:2
1 fn main() {
-> 2 let mut x = 0x100;
3 println!("The value of x is: {}", x);
4 x = x + 0x100;
5 println!("The value of x is: {}", x);
6 }
Target 0: (var_mut) stopped.
(lldb) disassemble
0x100001290 <+0>: pushq %rbp
0x100001291 <+1>: movq %rsp, %rbp
0x100001294 <+4>: subq $0xf0, %rsp
0x10000129b <+11>: leaq 0x4150e(%rip), %rsi ; core::fmt::num::_$LT$impl$u20$core..fmt..Display$u20$for$u20$i32$GT$::fmt::h04ca12b7570d3d05 at num.rs:201
-> 0x1000012a2 <+18>: movl $0x100, -0xa4(%rbp) ; imm = 0x100
0x1000012ac <+28>: leaq -0xa4(%rbp), %rax
0x100001328 <+152>: movq $0x1, (%rsp)
0x100001330 <+160>: callq 0x100001100 ; core::fmt::Arguments::new_v1_formatted::h1a26f71ed7a6be2c at mod.rs:363
0x100001335 <+165>: leaq -0xa0(%rbp), %rdi
0x10000133c <+172>: callq 0x10000a010 ; std::io::stdio::_print::h85f0ba007302c9c0 at stdio.rs:708
0x100001341 <+177>: movl -0xa4(%rbp), %eax
0x100001347 <+183>: addl $0x100, %eax ; imm = 0x100
0x100001400 <+368>: addq $0xf0, %rsp
0x100001407 <+375>: popq %rbp
0x100001408 <+376>: retq
0x100001409 <+377>: leaq 0x53f40(%rip), %rdi
0x100001410 <+384>: callq 0x100047bf0 ; core::panicking::panic::h3941d6082b26bb8e at panicking.rs:44
0x100001415 <+389>: nopw %cs:(%rax,%rax)
0x10000141f <+399>: nop
这里先不关注这个函数栈内的数据转换,只关注两个程序里面不同的变量有什么异同,所以直接跳到变量初始化与赋值的地方,看一下有什么异同。 下面的 gdb 调试分为左右两列,左边为 mutable, 右边 为 immutable 的变量。在不同的阶段我们查看 x 变量的地址,可以看到 mutable 的变量 x 地址是不变的,后面的赋值都是基于栈上某一个固定地址进行值的修改。而 immutable 的 x 地址是会变化的,每一次初始化,都会在栈内重新分配一个新的地址。
(lldb) r │(lldb) r
Process 89402 launched: '/Users/chaotang.sun/rust_project/rustlearing/lldb/var_mut/target/debug/var_mut' (x86_64) │Process 89331 launched: '/Users/chaotang.sun/rust_project/rustlearing/lldb/var_immut/target/debug/var_immut' (x86_64)
Process 89402 stopped │Process 89331 stopped
* thread #1, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1 │* thread #1, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
frame #0: 0x00000001000012a2 var_mut`var_mut::main::hbe57c58c6c7f6d8b at main.rs:2 │ frame #0: 0x0000000100001242 var_immut`var_immut::main::hab4d3d25ce94e8b3 at main.rs:2
1 fn main() { │ 1 fn main() {
-> 2 let mut x = 0x100; │-> 2 let x = 0x100;
3 println!("The value of x is: {}", x); │ 3 println!("The value of x is: {}", x);
4 x = x + 0x100; │ 4 let x = x + 0x100;
5 println!("The value of x is: {}", x); │ 5 println!("The value of x is: {}", x);
6 } │ 6 }
Target 0: (var_mut) stopped. │Target 0: (var_immut) stopped.
(lldb) frame v │(lldb) frame v
(lldb) s │(lldb) s
Process 89402 stopped │Process 89331 stopped
* thread #1, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = step in │* thread #1, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = step in
frame #0: 0x00000001000012ac var_mut`var_mut::main::hbe57c58c6c7f6d8b at main.rs:3 │ frame #0: 0x000000010000124c var_immut`var_immut::main::hab4d3d25ce94e8b3 at main.rs:3
1 fn main() { │ 1 fn main() {
2 let mut x = 0x100; │ 2 let x = 0x100;
-> 3 println!("The value of x is: {}", x); │-> 3 println!("The value of x is: {}", x);
4 x = x + 0x100; │ 4 let x = x + 0x100;
5 println!("The value of x is: {}", x); │ 5 println!("The value of x is: {}", x);
6 } │ 6 }
Target 0: (var_mut) stopped. │Target 0: (var_immut) stopped.
(lldb) frame v │(lldb) frame v
(int) x = 256 │(int) x = 256
(lldb) │(lldb)
(int) x = 256 │(int) x = 256
(lldb) p &x │(lldb) p &x
(int *) $0 = 0x00007ffeefbff17c │(int *) $0 = 0x00007ffeefbff164
(lldb) x/xw 0x00007ffeefbff17c │(lldb) x/xw 0x00007ffeefbff164
0x7ffeefbff17c: 0x00000100 │0x7ffeefbff164: 0x00000100
(lldb) n │(lldb) n
The value of x is: 256 │The value of x is: 256
Process 89443 stopped │Process 89452 stopped
* thread #1, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = step over │* thread #1, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = step over
frame #0: 0x0000000100001341 var_mut`var_mut::main::hbe57c58c6c7f6d8b at main.rs:4 │ frame #0: 0x00000001000012e1 var_immut`var_immut::main::hab4d3d25ce94e8b3 at main.rs:4
1 fn main() { │ 1 fn main() {
2 let mut x = 0x100; │ 2 let x = 0x100;
3 println!("The value of x is: {}", x); │ 3 println!("The value of x is: {}", x);
-> 4 x = x + 0x100; │-> 4 let x = x + 0x100;
5 println!("The value of x is: {}", x); │ 5 println!("The value of x is: {}", x);
6 } │ 6 }
Target 0: (var_mut) stopped. │Target 0: (var_immut) stopped.
(lldb) n │(lldb) n
Process 89443 stopped │Process 89452 stopped
* thread #1, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = step over │* thread #1, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = step over
frame #0: 0x0000000100001371 var_mut`var_mut::main::hbe57c58c6c7f6d8b at main.rs:5 │ frame #0: 0x000000010000130e var_immut`var_immut::main::hab4d3d25ce94e8b3 at main.rs:5
2 let mut x = 0x100; │ 2 let x = 0x100;
3 println!("The value of x is: {}", x); │ 3 println!("The value of x is: {}", x);
4 x = x + 0x100; │ 4 let x = x + 0x100;
-> 5 println!("The value of x is: {}", x); │-> 5 println!("The value of x is: {}", x);
6 } │ 6 }
Target 0: (var_mut) stopped. │Target 0: (var_immut) stopped.
(lldb) frame v │(lldb) frame v
(int) x = 512 │(int) x = 256
(lldb) p &x │(int) x = 512
(int *) $1 = 0x00007ffeefbff17c │(lldb) p &x
(lldb) │(int *) $1 = 0x00007ffeefbff1bc
(lldb) x/xw 0x00007ffeefbff17c │(lldb) x/xw 0x00007ffeefbff1bc
0x7ffeefbff17c: 0x00000200 │0x7ffeefbff1bc: 0x00000200